Play secret Pong Game on Instagram to have a little fun

Instagram Pong Game

Did you know that Instagram has added a hidden Pong game that you can play? If you’re a fan of retro games and enjoy spending time on Instagram, then you’re in for a treat! It turns out that Instagram includes a built-in Pong game that you can play. Yes, you heard that right! This secret feature allows you to play the classic arcade game right within the app itself. So, how can you unlock this hidden gem and start playing? Let’s dive into the details. We’ll explain how to find this hidden treasure in this post so you can start playing right now.

How to Play Instagram’s Secret Pong Game

To access the hidden Pong game on Instagram, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device.
  2. Go to your direct messages and select a chat.
  3.  Send any emoji that you want to use in the chat.

Instagram Pong game - Send any Emoji

4. Once the emoji is sent, tap on it to start the game.

Instagram Pong game

5. Enjoy playing Pong and share your score with your friend in a fun and nostalgic way.

Instagram Pong game - Game Over

Tips for Playing the Hidden Pong Game

While playing the hidden Pong game on Instagram, here are some tips to enhance your gaming experience:

  • Focus on timing your moves and hitting the ball with precision.
  • Use the paddle to bounce the ball back and forth to score points.
  • Challenge your friends to see who can achieve the highest score.
  • Have fun and enjoy the retro feel of this classic game!

Share the Fun with Your Friends

Subsequently, when you’ve mastered the Instagram Pong game, why not set a high score and dare your friends to beat it? All you have to do is capture a snapshot of your high score and post it to your Instagram feed or story. Via direct messaging, you may also forward it to your friends directly.

It’s time to test your abilities now that you know how to access and play the hidden Pong game on Instagram. Enjoy a retro gaming experience on your preferred social networking site by utilizing this hidden feature. Certainly, recall that having a good sense of timing, being attentive, and quick reflexes are essential for success in Pong.

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