Cryptocurrencies are slowly taking over the currency system in the world. If the growth of cryptocurrencies continues at this rate, digital currencies will be fully active in many countries in a few years. As of today, there are thousands of cryptocurrencies in the world. Crypto traders need the “market prediction skill” to know which digital currency to invest in. Let us place the popular Bitcoin and Ethereum aside, there is a four-year-old fast-growing cryptocurrency called PLATINCOIN.
You must have heard about Platincoin if you have a keen interest in cryptocurrencies. At the launch of this digital currency (end of 2016), its price was extremely low. Two years later, by 2018, it was selling for about $0.0019. Nevertheless, as of today, the price of Platincoin is $5.55 on CoinGecko. However, Crypto Exchange Rates and CoinMarketCap reports that Platincoin is currently selling for $2.24 and 2.27 respectively.
Whatever the case is, this cryptocurrency has seen a strong positive growth in a very short time. For crypto geeks who do not know about Platincoin, you may want to study this cryptocurrency. According to official reports, Platincoin currently has over 600,000 users globally in about 120 countries.
Since the launch of this crypto, it has seen a massive 5000% growth. This is quite good for a four-year-old coin. Even Dogecoin, with all the hype by Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk, does not have a growth rate of above 2000%. This shows how dogged Platicoin has been in the market.
Platincoin infrastructures
The founder of Platincoin is Alex Reinhardt and regarding his coin, he said “PLATINCOIN users receive a printing press, only it prints not paper dollars, but the digital cryptocurrency PLATINCOIN. It can be exchanged for the same dollars or other cryptocurrencies on numerous exchanges.”
He added
“PLATINCOIN has been on the market for over four years, and this is a solid age for the blockchain project industry. Most do not even live up to two years,”…“PLATINCOIN is a cryptocurrency for mass use that was created to generate a passive income. It aims to provide an opportunity to maximize earnings and build a passive income based on blockchain technology without special technical skills, regardless of age, education, and income level!”
Platincoin has a couple of infrastructures that make it run smoothly. According to the company’s official website, here are some of the company’s infrastructures
- PowerMinter: This is an innovative product that enables users to get an annual return of 30%. However, users have to ensure close interplay of different systems and subsystems.
- PLC Secure Box: With this minicomputer, uses can get a return of up to 10% annually. The patent filings on this technology already have TUV certification.
- ATM cryptomats: These are simply Crypto ATMs that allow users to get fiat money for coins.
- PoS Terminals: This allows users to pay for goods and services with Platicoin where the terminal is available.
- Exchanger: This helps coin holders to exchange cryptocurrencies for fiat money. Of course, there is a commission fee but it is very small.