Microsoft started the 3:2 aspect ratio trend with the Surface Pro series, but few companies have revamped their PC lineup and followed Microsoft’s lead, which is really a shame, as we find this aspect much more useful than 16:9 for a productivity laptop. But today, we learned that a Chinese computer manufacturer CHUWI is about to launch their latest 2-in-1 laptop on Indiegogo, with a 12.3-Inch, 3:2 aspect ratio display.
CHUWI chose this aspect over their previously used 16:9 because they say it falls right in between 4:3 and 16:9, which are the two most common aspects in reading and media. In other words, they’re billing it as the best intermediate solution. Little black bars won’t be too distracting in video playback, but web pages, magazines and especially PDF feel way more comfortable in reading or editing.
It’s also interesting that smartphones nowadays are getting taller too, like the SONY Xperia 1’s 21:9 aspect ratio, but the reason here is the same: People like to read top-down on web pages and with data, for more visible content. Compare that experience to reading a web page on a 16:9 screen with copious amounts of scrolling, and it is not hard to see the benefits. In fact, both SONY, Microsoft and CHUWI are doing the same thing: make the screen taller to read more content (just with different orientations).
It’s understandable that many other laptop makers haven’t opted the 3:2 aspect ratio, Video is something that all users care about. But a laptop is more than just a video playback machine, For millions of users, it’s a primary productivity tool for making a living. They use these devices to read, write, remember, create, connect, and communicate. And in this regard, CHUWI’s absolutely doing a great job with their UBook Pro.
Except for the favorable display, UBook also comes with the 3.4Ghz Core™ m3-8100Y, one of the most high-efficiency core ULV processor, and 8GB RAM+Up to 512GB SSD under the hood. All of these make UBook Pro an ALMOST perfect 2-in-1 laptop, the only unknown for now, is the price. But since CHUWI’s never let us down on price/performance ratio, UBook Pro’s absolutely something worth looking forward to in this autumn.
Now UBook Pro is in the preheating stage for its crowdfunding. During which time, early subscribers can get 25% OFF email-only discount so check it out.