Elephone M3 takes a shot at UMi Rome with Helio P10 and $99 price tag

elephone m3 helio p10

Elephone are building a phone that will sport a Helio P10 chipset but may only cost $99! Keep reading for more Elephone M3 details.

The sub $100 phone market is really hotting up. Not only do Cyanogen see the Sub $100 market as an area they will see impressive growth but Chinese phone makers are cashing in on recent component savings to build low-cost phones that carry impressive hardware.

Take the UMi Rome for example with a low $89 RRP, 3GB RAM and AMOLED display its a phone that has the potential to disrupt the market, but not if Elephone can help it. In response the UMi Rome, Elephone say that their Elephone M3 will ship for just $99, yet carry the much more impressive and potent Helio P10 chipset!

Elephone M3

elephone m3 helio p10

Whatā€™s more the Elephone M3 will come with Android 6, sport a Type C USB and will have a full metal body! Not bad at all.

With Elephone and UMi at each others throats we cannot wait to see what other phone makers like JiaYu, Oukitel etc will launch at a similar low price.

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  1. Nilzie
    November 27, 2015

    release date: q3 2016 knowing elephone track record

    • Yeti hand
      November 27, 2015

      too early! This is the release date of the vowney! I think the very end of 2016 is more realistic !! haha

      • mikey
        November 27, 2015

        indeed! elephone are liars. much promising just to counter other brands and win buyers

        • Steven Fox
          November 27, 2015

          It`s a tough market. Getting more and more overcrowded by the minute. At least Elephone have improved their build quality.
          The Trunk sub-brand is receiveing rave reviews for it`s price.

          • Adam Irvine
            November 27, 2015

            When did they improve their build quality? Because a friend of mine has a p8000 and the light/pressure spots on the panel are absolutely terrible!

            • Nilzie
              November 27, 2015

              p8000 is a horrible phone. period. it doesnt even have gorilla or dragontrail glass.

            • Semi
              November 29, 2015

              can confirm that. And that p7000 was probably the worst failure regarding expectation/reality ratio from any chinese phoneā€¦ they simply cannot deliver what they would.

            • Muhammad Yasir
              November 27, 2015

              i honestly feel TERRIBLY sorry for elephone ā€¦ its like theyā€™re missing something ā€¦ something that goes deep to the core.
              their concept is superb ā€¦ probably better than MOST chinese companiesā€¦ whoever is giving the ideas , has a great mind with wonderful diversity BUT the team/people tasked with APPLYING that concept (say the hardware and software engineers at elephone) are absolutely SHAMBOLIC at their jobs , they mess up the idea , the concept diagram completely ā€¦ and then thereā€™s the manufacturing delays -_- !

              its like Elephone is a land of a hell lot of wasted potential ā€¦

            • Airyl
              November 27, 2015
            • Stef
              November 29, 2015

              I honestly donā€™t know what you people are talking about, 2 months of Elephone P8000. The only issue I found is lack of 5GHz modem support and the ridiculously bad camera on low light.

              In everything else itā€™s probably one of the best offerings from chinese phones. Great support from the community (most chinese phones donā€™t have that, especially cheap one), great build quality and batteryā€¦

              I didnā€™t care about Elephone in the past, but they obviously produce some of the best per $ phones as of lateā€¦ I actually feel sorry who automatically dismiss them leading them to much worse phones for greater cost ā€¦ I donā€™t get that behaviour at all (every phone should be judged independently)ā€¦

            • Steven Fox
              November 28, 2015

              Well, he should have tried the P2000 or previous Elephones, where the phone would go completely dead within 2-3 months, or battery would stop charging.
              For phones over 150$, stick to the known brands like Xiaomi, Meizu, Zoppo, Gionee and Jiayu as you are guaranteed better build quality.
              Three years ago there werenā€™t any affordable offerings from these companies, now you can get the M2 or the M2 Note, or Redmi 2 Note for peanuts, why would you buy Elephone P8000 over that? Because of the extra 1 GB of RAM?

            • highwind
              November 28, 2015

              I bought a P6000 (non pro) for my girlfriend some month ago for about 110USDā€¦
              The ROM was completely unbloated, really snappy and came pre rooted, the built quality is very solid, the battery holds a whole day without charging, GPS is working fast and without any flaws, speaking quality is good and generally the whole phone doesnā€™t have a single issue ā€“ if there is anything one might argue that the camera is only ā€œok-ishā€ but bitching about that would be ridiculous given the price point

            • Semi
              November 29, 2015

              yup, can confirm that. had one in hands for a friend and noticed like 4-5 spots when was bootingā€¦he returned it the day after.

          • balcobomber25
            November 27, 2015

            Improved their quality?? Not according to any of the forums I belong too, the quality is still shite.

            • Steven Fox
              November 28, 2015

              You should have seen those forums 3-4 years ago mate! Now they are mostly complaining about camera quality, not being as promised on a 69-129$ phones, or that he dropped it and it broke, but shouldnt have.
              People must realize that they are getting what they payed for.

  2. Muhammad Yasir
    November 27, 2015

    will release by the time i would have changed 2 or 3 smartphones already :ā€™D !

    annddd wait for it

    OH ooohh , WTH are they doing ?! why are they cannibalizing the Elephone Ivory sales ā€¦ which , also btw , HASNT been released yet ?!

  3. greg
    November 27, 2015

    Hey people from Elephone, just dont make the same mistake Umi did and please add 3G and/or LTE bands for America

    • balcobomber25
      November 27, 2015

      3G most likely, LTE probably not.

      • Dante
        November 29, 2015

        my older MX4 had 4g in my homecoyntry and the other 6795 phones i tried here work too (its sad that the coverage from the operators is awful tho)

    • Roberto TomĆ”s
      November 28, 2015

      The SoC is Medatekā€™s. The Helio X10 SoC already supports 3G (and several mediatek designs before it did too), and was an earlier design (it also supports several 4g/lte bands, but none for the major US carriers). The Helio X20 also supports 4g/lte, including support for the US, and is a contemporary design to the P10. The Helio P10 in this phone should at least support 3G and 4G in most places outside of the US. It may even support 4g/lte in the US (depending on if it gets the same controller as the X10 or the X20).

      • balcobomber25
        November 28, 2015

        The X10 has full support for US LTE bands as does just about every other chip released. Most phones donā€™t include the necessary antenna to pick up those bands because they donā€™t sell in the US and those bands arenā€™t used anywhere else. All modern chips will support all modern bands, the newest ones will even support cdma bands, but the phone manufacturer still has to use certain antenna to pick those up.

        • Roberto TomĆ”s
          November 29, 2015

          no, .. I think youā€™re wrong, the X10 does not. It has only 3 4g lte band/channel pairs that are supported, at least according to some rather detailed spec sheets that I have seenā€¦

          • balcobomber25
            November 29, 2015


            The Blu Pure XL has a X10 chip and full support for US LTE networks. The X10 can support every LTE band. In order for phones to pick up those LTE bands it has to include the necessary antenna, not all phone antenna are the same.

  4. yalok
    November 27, 2015

    I wonder if they will ever learn to make a good quality device with good support for a good price as xiaomi does.

    • .
      November 27, 2015

      nice joke

      • Dante
        November 29, 2015

        Nice joke

        • Tajwar
          February 1, 2016

          Nice Joke

          • Dante
            February 1, 2016

            Jike Noce

            • Tajwar
              February 1, 2016

              Noke Jice

            • Dante
              February 1, 2016

              Nike Josse

            • Tajwar
              February 1, 2016

              Niky Juice

            • Dante
              February 1, 2016

              Nikky Joos

            • Tajwar
              February 1, 2016

              Nykki Jaice

            • Dante
              February 2, 2016

              Joosybell Nuke

            • Tajwar
              February 3, 2016

              Josh Nukem

            • Dante
              February 4, 2016

              Just Nook

            • Tajwar
              February 4, 2016

              Jhon Nycks

            • Dante
              February 5, 2016

              Nikolas Juke

            • Tajwar
              February 5, 2016

              Nikolo July

            • Dante
              February 9, 2016

              jlkklkkkkl Nmkjyjykkyk

            • Dante
              February 1, 2016

              you know i can keep doing that for a long time

            • Tajwar
              February 1, 2016

              So do I

  5. balcobomber25
    November 27, 2015

    Thereā€™s one major difference, Umi will actually release their phone, Elephone will tease it for the next 8 months.

    • iKosh
      November 27, 2015

      I canā€™t remember the last time elephone released a phone.

      • Dante
        November 29, 2015

        3 weeks ago

    • Muhammad Yasir
      November 27, 2015

      AHAHAH !

    • Airyl
      November 27, 2015

      Shots fired.

    • snellboi
      November 27, 2015

      Hey balco off topic blu dash m is gionee what ? Tnx in advance, snelleboi

      • balcobomber25
        November 27, 2015

        Iā€™m not entirely sure to tell you the truth, a lot of the times the Dash and Studio series donā€™t have a Gionee counterpart, they are phones designed a built by Gionee specifically for other markets outside of India/China. The Vivo and Life series are usually direct Gionee models.

        • parrotgeek1
          November 28, 2015

          Their other OEMs (I can tell from ROM build numbers/OTA servers) are Tinno, Tianyu/K-touch, and LongCheer (the same company that makes Android One). Easy to check ro.fota.oem= in build.prop

          • balcobomber25
            November 28, 2015

            Yea they use a variety of OEMā€™s for their cheaper phones and their Windows phones.

        • snellboi
          November 28, 2015

          Ok, got u and thank u very much man. I was just curious by the way as i learned from u that blus r rebranded phones in the past.
          U da boss hereā€¦lol

          • balcobomber25
            November 29, 2015

            The Blu Life and Vivo series are almost entirely rebranded Gioneeā€™s. The rest are made by a variety of OEMā€™s, some are made specifically for Blu others are sold under multiple brand names.

  6. xteamchinax
    November 27, 2015

    Another elephone that wont be released until long after it was relevantā€¦

  7. ibonprofeno
    November 27, 2015

    It does NOT seem to me Elephone is trustworthy enough as a brand.

  8. Nilzie
    November 27, 2015

    release date: q3 2016 knowing elephone track record

    • Yeti hand
      November 27, 2015

      too early! This is the release date of the vowney! I think the very end of 2016 is more realistic !! haha

    • mikey
      November 27, 2015

      indeed! elephone are liars. much promising just to counter other brands and win buyers

    • Steven Fox
      November 27, 2015

      It`s a tough market. Getting more and more overcrowded by the minute. At least Elephone have improved their build quality.
      The Trunk sub-brand is receiveing rave reviews for it`s price.

    • Adam Irvine
      November 27, 2015

      When did they improve their build quality? Because a friend of mine has a p8000 and the light/pressure spots on the panel are absolutely terrible!

  9. Dante
    November 27, 2015

    eh im all out of elephone/dogee jokes ā€“ that means you dont have those either , its kinda not funny anymore

  10. Milos Lukic
    November 27, 2015

    My Elephone Trunk died in less than 24 hours. But I canā€™t say I wonā€™t buy M3. It looks great.

    • Steven Fox
      November 30, 2015

      How can you willingly trust a brand after a new device died withing the first 24Hrs???
      Buy the Umi Emax mini, trust me it`s far better at that price and build quality is really good.
      Elephone are all marketing and do not deliver(although their recent phones have improved it`s not by a long margin, not enough to trust the brand anyway)

      • Milos Lukic
        November 30, 2015

        You are correct. But I really liked the phone. Especially because it wasnā€™t Mediatek. I am really disappointed that it died so quickly. There is a great community around the phone already and I was really looking forward to try CM and other ROMs. I am sure Umi Emax is a great device, but I would probably go for Iron Pro.

  11. Josef Izchaki
    November 28, 2015

    A lot of Elephone haters here man, i also happen to think they have improved a lot and bought an M@ to replace my LG G3. Only time will tell if i did the right thing, but so far the reviews are raving about build quality and the phone looks like a solid performer. One thing hasnā€™t changed with Elephone for sure is their release date delays unfortunately.

    • balcobomber25
      November 28, 2015

      Not haters just experience with how this company operates and screws customers. Your G3 by the way is 1000000000x better than anything Elephone offers

      • Steven Fox
        November 30, 2015

        I concur and second that!

      • Josef Izchaki
        December 17, 2015

        iā€™m so glad to report you are 1000000000x wrong! balcommber25 Just got the phone it replaced the LG G3 as i said, and it is better in every way! It is so well built! The phone is fast and fluid to work with, battery lasts me the whole day and i use my phone a lot iā€™d say. I talk on the phone usually over 2 hours a day, use the alarm constantly, have reminders, email, whatsapp,hangouts,texting,browsing,google searches,camera. The only thing i donā€™t do on the phone is play games or listen to music. But this is a very nice surprise for me as i read so many bad things about Elephone and this really put a huge check mark for me next to their name. As of this moment it is more then likely my next phone will be an Elephone too. BTW the phone looks and feels much more expensive then it actually was, and everybody comments on how beautiful it is. The screen is so bright i have to have it at about 25%. On the LG G3 i couldnā€™t have it at less then 60% as it was to dark for me. The LG G3 was laggy in many areas of the phone, this phone just flies through everything. I put it next to my friendā€™s LG G4 and the M2 opened everything faster then the LG G4!! I am getting amazing LTE speeds of around 75-100mbps DL , and WIFi is strong. The speaker is loud, maybe a little to loud sometimes. The camera is better then i expected also, and since the phone is so thin and prety narrow it doesnā€™t look or feel big. I canā€™t say enough good things about this phone! I gave my son the LG G3 and havenā€™t looked back once. To anyone considering this phone i say go buy donā€™t think, and enjoy!

        • balcobomber25
          December 18, 2015

          I lost you at better than G4. From then on I was too busy laughing to continue. But thanks for a good laugh.

          • Josef Izchaki
            December 18, 2015

            Itā€™s the easiest to laugh and put away things. Iā€™ll upload a video for you with the two side by side. Will you still laugh?ā€¦.

            • balcobomber25
              December 18, 2015

              I would love to see a video of you thinking the Doogee is faster than a G4.

            • balcobomber25
              December 19, 2015

              Most people will probably laugh at you. But go for it.

            • Josef Izchaki
              December 19, 2015

              So they;ll see that the M@ is faster then the G4 and theyā€™ll laugh at me?!

            • balcobomber25
              December 21, 2015

              They will laugh that you are clueless and think that an Mt6753 is faster than a SD808 (not to mention Elephones crap software compared to LG). But please do upload this video and make sure to point out how and why you think it is faster.

            • Josef Izchaki
              December 21, 2015

              OK this has gone way to far, you little kid. You are speaking to someone who has been in the industry for over 15 years. Including sales and repair. You are speaking to someone who is an active and contributing member f Howardforums and xda. So donā€™t get all high and mighty over me! Now if you understood anything youā€™d also know that the LG G4 has a 2k screen and thus it needs more power to open and present apps. And therefore apps on the M2 either open faster almost at the same time and sometimes faster on the M2 then on the G4. But i am done speaking to a little kid, so go on with your hating and misinformation. I wonā€™t bother you anymore.

            • balcobomber25
              December 21, 2015

              Oh no Mr. Industry insider!! All hail the tough guy in the corner who thinks he knows something yet each time he speaks he makes himself look worse. Now if you understood anything you wouldnā€™t make such hilarious comments. I can see instead of showing this video you instead are deflecting away because you know your a moron who knows nothing about phones, even with your ā€œ15 years in the industryā€.

        • Josef Izchaki
          December 18, 2015

          At first I thought I was talking to a kid, now I am not sure. So maybe first learn how to read, I am speaking of the elephone not doggee and a video showing opening and closing of apps is what I mean.

  12. Semi
    November 29, 2015

    ā€œ#bewarethehypeā€ .

    December 2, 2015

    To know more about M3, enter here: http://www.elephone.cc/elephone-m3.html

  14. Lennald
    June 18, 2016

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOANYdVp5Tw, which budget smartphone do you like better?