[Video] Elephone P6000: AOSP Lollipop vs. CyanogenMod 12 vs. Flyme OS

The Elephone P6000 is turning out to be a heck of a good phone with every passing day (ā€¦every passing ROM?). The developers have been dishing out some popular 3rd party ROMs to the phone.

Back when we reviewed the Elephone P6000, the phone impressed us with the all-round good performance and above average build quality. It was only the belief that there was going to be a lack of community support (including mods and ROMs) for the phone since it ran a MediaTek SoC. It turns out that isnā€™t likely going to be the case, for Elephone is seemingly working hard on bringing as many 3rd party ROMs to the P6000 as possible.

In the following video, the Elephone P6000 is shown running Meizuā€˜s Flyme OS, stock AOSP Android v5.0 Lollipop and perhaps the most popular of them all ā€” CyanogenMod 12. There isnā€™t a lot of Flyme OS action in the video though, which we hope changes with a following video. Take a look for yourself:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57pkMQo8ikc]

ALSO SEE: Elephone P5000 Runs A Myriad Of ROMs

The Elephone P6000 is the companyā€™s first phone to run the MediaTek MT6732 quad-core 64-bit processor, and along with that, has 2GB of RAM, a 720p 5-inch screen and a 2750mAh battery. Find out more about the Elephone P6000 in our review of the device.

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  1. Carlos T
    March 16, 2015

    i just canā€™t see myself trusting them again since they lied about the camera sensor, gorilla glass, and actual battery; on the P3000 scandal thing that ppl evrywhere ended up finding out about.

    • balcobomber25
      March 16, 2015

      If you have problems with companies lying you might want to stear clear of Chinese electronics entirely. Every company has fudged specs or failed to deliver on promises at some point in their life cycle. And that extends beyond China as well.

      • Carlostup
        March 16, 2015

        Not at all man, many chinese companies take themselves very seriously. There will be some less serious ones but Meizu, Jiayu or Kingzone to name a few are very well respected and all the reviews known websites have made detailed analisis of their phones with great results.

        • balcobomber25
          March 17, 2015

          Their are some that take themselves seriously but just about all of them have had some misstep over the course of their history including some of the ones you mentioned. My comment was bashing Chinese companies, I wouldnā€™t be so active on this site if I didnā€™t like them. I was more pointing out that Ulefone and Elephone are hardly the only ones who have been caught.

          • Carlos T
            March 18, 2015

            Phones might have problems, buy right down lying about specs are not something any of the companies iā€™ve mentioned did.

            • balcobomber25
              March 18, 2015

              You can prove without a shadow of a doubt that they intentionally tried to lie about their specs? You can say for certain that it wasnā€™t just a cross up between the engineer and marketing departments?

            • Carlos T
              March 20, 2015

              They said the sony sensors were out of stock so they had to replace them with the generic ones (for the cameras), and that they were sorry for the inconvencience. IN other words: yea we were lying we got caught sorry ^^

              Other companies with a more serious lvl of management and handling of business in general like meizu, xiaomi, and other smaller good brands with good rep, havent had any of those problems. Just the smartpant ppl of elephone.

            • balcobomber25
              March 20, 2015

              You have your companies mixed up. It was Ulefone who was caught with misleading specs. The way a lot of these companies operate, once they put in an order for a certain part they ā€œleakā€ that part as being part of that phone. Before they ever get that part in stock or even manufacture a phone. Sometimes shortages really do happen. Could they have been more open about it? Absolutely, but proving they purposely lied is very difficult.

              You mention Xiaomi. They have been accused of using artificial supply shortages to drive the prices/demand up in countries like India, which is what One Plus does with their invite system. Is that not just as dishonest as listing the wrong spec? Like I said all these companies have some kind of skeleton in their closet.

            • Carlos T
              March 23, 2015

              As I said before I donā€™t have anything mixed up. Ule was only about camera. Elephone lied about camera, battery and gorilla glass. Ule just really apologized about it.

          • Carlos T
            March 23, 2015

            I donā€™t have anything mixed up both those companies kinda did the same. Just elephone with more specs. Ulefone just the camera

  2. emmanuel k
    March 16, 2015

    mr balcobomber25 i am asking you as cell techology expert which phone to buy limit 220usd priorities 1.reliable brand 2.camera 3 2g rom 4 battery no gaming recomendetions Thank you emmanuel k

    • Lazar Prodanovic
      March 17, 2015

      I think Jiayu S3 fits best in to picture from Chinese phones. & for that price you can get it with 3GB RAM (it certainly adds to usable use longevity) & NFC model. Only downside is painfully slow charging. Globally Asus ZenPhone 2 higher end model with full HD display, Z3580 & 2GB ram for 226$ would probably represent best all around buy (including gaming) when the sails start all do I am not convinced about battery life as I donā€™t know on what lithography is implemented Intelā€™s cellular radio build upon (its not build on Intelā€™s manufacturing process). I donā€™t know people you mentioned but I hope you find this answer as good enough. šŸ™‚

  3. Carlos T
    March 16, 2015

    i just canā€™t see myself trusting them again since they lied about the camera sensor, gorilla glass, and actual battery; on the P3000 scandal thing that ppl evrywhere ended up finding out about.

    • balcobomber25
      March 16, 2015

      If you have problems with companies lying you might want to stear clear of Chinese electronics entirely. Every company has fudged specs or failed to deliver on promises at some point in their life cycle. And that extends beyond China as well.

    • Carlostup
      March 17, 2015

      Not at all man, many chinese companies take themselves very seriously. There will be some less serious ones but Meizu, Jiayu or Kingzone to name a few are very well respected and all the reviews known websites have made detailed analisis of their phones with great results.

    • balcobomber25
      March 17, 2015

      Their are some that take themselves seriously but just about all of them have had some misstep over the course of their history including some of the ones you mentioned. My comment was bashing Chinese companies, I wouldnā€™t be so active on this site if I didnā€™t like them. I was more pointing out that Ulefone and Elephone are hardly the only ones who have been caught.

    • Carlos T
      March 18, 2015

      Phones might have problems, buy right down lying about specs are not something any of the companies iā€™ve mentioned did.

    • balcobomber25
      March 19, 2015

      You can prove without a shadow of a doubt that they intentionally tried to lie about their specs? You can say for certain that it wasnā€™t just a cross up between the engineer and marketing departments?

    • Carlos T
      March 20, 2015

      They said the sony sensors were out of stock so they had to replace them with the generic ones (for the cameras), and that they were sorry for the inconvencience. IN other words: yea we were lying we got caught sorry ^^

      Other companies with a more serious lvl of management and handling of business in general like meizu, xiaomi, and other smaller good brands with good rep, havent had any of those problems. Just the smartpant ppl of elephone.

    • balcobomber25
      March 21, 2015

      You have your companies mixed up. It was Ulefone who was caught with misleading specs. The way a lot of these companies operate, once they put in an order for a certain part they ā€œleakā€ that part as being part of that phone. Before they ever get that part in stock or even manufacture a phone. Sometimes shortages really do happen. Could they have been more open about it? Absolutely, but proving they purposely lied is very difficult.

      You mention Xiaomi. They have been accused of using artificial supply shortages to drive the prices/demand up in countries like India, which is what One Plus does with their invite system. Is that not just as dishonest as listing the wrong spec? Like I said all these companies have some kind of skeleton in their closet.

    • Carlos T
      March 23, 2015

      I donā€™t have anything mixed up both those companies kinda did the same. Just elephone with more specs. Ulefone just the camera

    • Carlos T
      March 23, 2015

      As I said before I donā€™t have anything mixed up. Ule was only about camera. Elephone lied about camera, battery and gorilla glass. Ule just really apologized about it.

  4. Guest
    March 16, 2015

    mr balcobomber25 i am asking you as cell techology expert which phone to buy limit 220usd priorities 1.reliable brand 2.camera 3 2g rom 4 battery no gaming recomendetions Thank you emmanuel k

    • Lazar Prodanovic
      March 17, 2015

      I think Jiayu S3 fits best in to picture from Chinese phones. & for that price you can get it with 3GB RAM (it certainly adds to usable use longevity) & NFC model. Only downside is painfully slow charging. Globally Asus ZenPhone 2 higher end model with full HD display, Z3580 & 2GB ram for 226$ would probably represent best all around buy (including gaming) when the sails start all do I am not convinced about battery life as I donā€™t know on what lithography is implemented Intelā€™s cellular radio build upon (its not build on Intelā€™s manufacturing process). I donā€™t know people you mentioned but I hope you find this answer as good enough. šŸ™‚

  5. Mikey
    March 17, 2015

    Hi all, iā€™m new to differente rom!
    Is there any advantage for cynamod or flyme or lolipop vs each other?
    The roms are based on lolipop but i see manny positieve reactions on cynamod!
    Why is this better? It is just a layer above lolipop. So the g
    Features like in lolipop are the same. Also Google plat store.
    Iā€™m correct? Can anybody give a short explenation


    • Lazar Prodanovic
      March 17, 2015

      Would not actual call CM better than Vanilla. CM have lots of customizing options itā€™s light & compact & with essential gappā€™s is nice. Performance wise best choice should be a plane Vanilla compiled with latest GCC. Jou are still best off with stock firmware until other options are officially supported or at least in late stable phase. One particularly important thing to pay attention to is to pick a product with new (for Android) 3.10 kernel on it. Their is no simple explanation & it would be to tangled up & very long post even to try to explain more detailed. Best way for you to find it out for yourself is by reading in dept reviews of representative phones with each ROM. At the end their is much much more ROMā€™s then just those. šŸ™‚

  6. Guest
    March 17, 2015

    Hi all, iā€™m new to differente rom!
    Is there any advantage for cynamod or flyme or lolipop vs each other?
    The roms are based on lolipop but i see manny positieve reactions on cynamod!
    Why is this better? It is just a layer above lolipop. So the g
    Features like in lolipop are the same. Also Google plat store.
    Iā€™m correct? Can anybody give a short explenation


    • Lazar Prodanovic
      March 17, 2015

      Would not actual call CM better than Vanilla. CM have lots of customizing options itā€™s light & compact & with essential gappā€™s is nice. Performance wise best choice should be a plane Vanilla compiled with latest GCC. Jou are still best off with stock firmware until other options are officially supported or at least in late stable phase. One particularly important thing to pay attention to is to pick a product with new (for Android) 3.10 kernel on it. Their is no simple explanation & it would be to tangled up & very long post even to try to explain more detailed. Best way for you to find it out for yourself is by reading in dept reviews of representative phones with each ROM. At the end their is much much more ROMā€™s then just those. šŸ™‚