September is getting busier and busier by the post! The iPhone 5 is rumored to launch on September 7th, and now Meiuz CEO Jack Wong has ‘confirmed’ that the Meizu MX, the worlds first Quad Core smartphone will launch by the end of September!
For any of you familiar with Meizu and their dreamer of an CEO you’ll be reaching for a pinch of salt after reading the MX is confirmed for September.

Meizu have a reputation for making up deadlines only to break them and launch as much as 6 months later! The Meizu M9 was launched 6 months later than expected and got it’s Gingerbread update 3 months later than planned!
Now JW is claiming the new Meizu MX will be ready for launch by the end of September! and it will be the world first quad-core Android smartphone!
Jack Wong must be feeling a bit of pressure now that both Oppo and Xiaomi have launched very competitive phones not to mention the looming launch of the iPhone 5!

The Meizu MX will be available in 2 versions accouding to JW. A 16Gb model with a dual core CPU and a 32Gb quad core model, both will feature 4 inch screens from Sharp and 8 mega-pixel cameras.
It has also been rumored that the MX will get a similar design to that of the current iPhone 4, we’re not sure if the antennas will be external or not, but with a removable back to get at the SD card and battery. The SIM card will be housed in a tray at the top of the phone much like the iPhone 3GS.
It’s hard to know is Wong is being sincere with his September launch date for the Meizu MX or if he is just trying his best to rouse the rumor mill.